The Four-Way Test has captured the imaginations of generations of Rotarians as a simple checklist to help ensure that we are applying this positive and powerful code to how we try to live our lives and serve others.


The contest is an opportunity for your Club to increase your involvement in the community through the local high schools, career-tech schools and home-school organizations, and for all those students to learn about Rotary and the Four-Way Test. Inviting the contestants to present their speeches to your club will provide your members with a thought-provoking experience as well as an opportunity to meet outstanding youth in your communities.

It is now time to begin recruiting student contestants from your local high schools, private schools, or charter schools. Please share the Guidelines for Contestants information with the appropriate teachers (usually English, Speech and/or Debate), school counselors, administrators or other club advisors. Interact clubs and RYLA participants are also excellent sources for potential candidates. Please specifically note the Guidelines state no aids - including notes - may be used for the District competition.

You may find that school officials do not have a good grasp of the Four-Way Test, whereby it will be your responsibility to educate them. Students may work with their teachers, parents and/or Rotary members to prepare for the local competition. We place special emphasis on the use of the Four-Way Test in the speech, i.e., it is the focal point and speeches display a good understanding and application of the principles, whether the students apply that to Leadership, Service to Others or Life Experiences.

  • Club winners should be received no later than March 17, 2025, at the District to ensure each student is placed in the rotation for the District Contest. Please be sure each student also completes a (1) Registration form, (2) a Student Release form and those are forwarded to the District.
  • District Contest Date will be Sunday, March 30, 2025, at Noon at Wright State University.

The Four Way Test

Adopted by Rotary in 1943, The Four-Way Test is still relevant today and transcends generations and national boundaries.  Not based on culture or religion, The Four-Way Test has been translated into more than 100 languages, and asks the following essential questions of the things we think, say or do:

1.    Is it the truth?
2.    Is it fair to all concerned?
3.    Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
4.    Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

The Four-Way Test has captured the imaginations of generations of Rotarians as a simple checklist to help ensure that we are applying this positive and powerful code to how we try to live our lives and serve others.  An outstanding line-up of speakers—most of them Rotarians—will share their unique perspectives on the importance of high ethical values in decision-making for their professions and lives.


Beth Huber

Deadline to submit Club Participation:

January 10, 2025
(see form below)

Deadline to Submit Club Winners

March 17, 2025
(see form below)

District Contest Date

March 30, 2025, at Noon
at Wright State University

Rotarians Volunteers and Friends will be needed the day of the event, March 30, 2025

Email Beth Huber to volunteer