Transformational Leaders Wanted

Have you ever thought of being District Governor?

As the Immediate Past District Governor and Chair of the Nominating Committee I have the honor of serving with other Past District Governors in selecting our new District Governor for 2026-2027.  Below you will find some information regarding this opportunity and feel free to reach out to me should you have specific questions. - iPDG Frank Scott


Qualification of the Governor

It is the policy of District 6670 to follow explicitly the Rotary International Manual of Procedure as to the qualifications of Governor, and the duties of Governor, including the mandatory attendance of the District Governor-Elect (DGE) at the International Assembly.  It is imperative that the DGN and DGE attend the Governor-Nominee and Governor-Elect Training two-day training programs at the zone level and the Institute that follows.  Expenses related to GETS attendance by the DGE and DGN, and their spouses, is to be budgeted by the District.

At the time of selection, a District Governor-Nominee must:

  1. Be a member in good standing of a functioning club in the District 6670
  2. Have full qualifications for membership in the strict application of the club membership provisions, and the integrity of the Rotarian’s classification must be without question.
  3. Have served as President of a club for a full term or be a charter president of a club having served the full term from the date of the charter to 30 June, provided that the period is for at least six months.
  4. Demonstrate willingness, commitment, ability, physically and otherwise, to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the office of Governor as provided in the RI Bylaws section.
  5. Demonstrate knowledge of the qualifications, duties, and responsibilities of Governor as prescribed in the RI Bylaws, and submit to RI, through its General Secretary, a signed statement acknowledging a clear understanding of them. This statement shall also confirm that the Rotarian is qualified for the office of Governor and willing and able to assume the duties and responsibilities of the office and to perform them faithfully.

What you do

  • Strengthen clubs, organize new clubs, and grow membership
  • Encourage contributions and other support for The Rotary Foundation
  • Promote positive public image and serve as spokesperson for district
  • Develop a safe environment for youth participants
  • Conduct district conference and other meetings
  • Supervise district nominations and elections
  • Prepare budget, provide annual report, and help administer District Designated Funds
  • Complete online district qualification
  • Work with governor-elect and other district leaders

Qualifications, Requirements and Instructions

Qualifications for District Governor are prescribed by the Rotary International Manual of Procedure (RIMOP). Each applicant must have been a Rotarian for a minimum of seven years as of June 30, 2026.

Please consult the RIMOP for additional requirements for the governor effective at the time of taking office.

Each applicant is to complete and submit the following items:

  1. District Governor Application
  2. The Governor-nominee Form from Rotary International signed by the Club Secretary and including authorization to conduct a background check.

Completed applications should be mailed to:
PDG Frank Scott
Chair, District 6670 Nominating Committee

  • Application Deadline- November 30th
  • Interviews- December 9th and 10th